interview by annette furio
What is your name, business name, and where are you based?
I’m Anna, owner of Penderview Events, and I’m based in the DC / Maryland / Virginia area.
Tell me a little bit about how you started your business and how you got into the wedding industry.
I started Penderview Events in December 2021. We hosted over 200 people at an event called The Christmas Formal, which served as the launch party for the business. From there, the business developed into coordinating large-scale events and more specifically what I love — weddings.
When I was first starting out, people heard that I was into events and they wanted someone to manage their wedding. I thought, why not give it a try?
A lot of weddings that I coordinate are planned by the couple themselves. That attracts a certain kind of couple for me — someone who might be more laid-back or genuine. Someone looking for an authentic experience. They may be lower-budget weddings, more intimate weddings, or weddings at smaller venues. This fits the vibe of the kind of coordination that I want to do.
Do you have a mission, philosophy, or something you stand for in your business?
Yes. My mantra is “Quality. Authentic. Kind.” That is the essence of Penderview Events. Joy is also a core value of my business. I’m such a joyful person — I exude joy. It’s contagious, and I want it to be representative in the events I plan for people.
Do you feel like you have found your version of balance between your personal and business life?
100% yes, yes, yes. I love what I do. I have a strong morning routine, as any business coach will tell you to have. I work from coffee shops in the morning, go to the gym in the afternoon, and the evening varies. Sometimes I’ll relax, sometimes I’ll get back to work. I’m so thankful to be an entrepreneur. This is the best lifestyle for me and fits my personality so well.
How did you start and maintain your routine?
It took me about six months to get into my routine, and a lot of it had to do with my nutrition plan and trainer. Now, all of these parts of my life fit together. Once I made the decision to take my health more seriously, it made all the difference in my days. I’ve been able to maintain my routine because I’m a go-getter, I’m disciplined, I have a growth mindset, and I’m positive!
What do you hope to accomplish this wedding season with your business & working with couples?
I’m really happy with what I have achieved this year and I’m still living in that right now. The goal is to do business, and I’m doing that. I want my couples to feel like they’re taken care of on the day of their wedding. I never want that to change. I want to be reliable. It’s like going to your favorite restaurant over and over again. You go because it’s reliable and predictable and you know it’s going to be great. That’s true for what I’m doing, too. I want my clients to come back for more — to return for their future events, from birthday parties to corporate events.
What do you see your couples doing to create a wedding that is a true reflection of them? Do you guide them in any way?
I think what makes the wedding day authentic has a lot to do with the couple’s attitude towards the day. I’m not so much concerned with the visual aesthetics of it. I resonate much more with their attitude, their mindset, and what they hope their day will be in terms of an expression of their values. I help paint the picture of the importance of their wedding day — the joy of it — really making it a celebration. I want all the stress on me and none on them. I want them to genuinely enjoy the day.
“I resonate much more with their attitude, their mindset, and what they hope their day will be in terms of an expression of their values. I help paint the picture of the importance of their wedding day.”
Do you have any other creative outlets?
Yes, I have a personal blog, I do word art, I love creative writing, and this might sound silly, but I love being a model for photoshoots!
When or where do you feel most creative?
I feel like I have to be in quiet solitude. So the “where” is just a place that creates that atmosphere for me. It could be at home, a beautiful place in nature like the beach, or on a hike. Many times it’s a coffee shop with a good ambiance.
What is a piece of wisdom you would share with couples going through their engagement right now?
Focusing on your “why” is really important. It may sound cliché, but there’s something to be said when something is repeated so often — there’s weight to it. Ask yourselves why you are getting married.
What is a piece of guidance you would share with other wedding professionals or small business owners or entrepreneurs — something you learned in your own experience?
Just have fun. Yes, be professional, but if you’re not enjoying your life, something is wrong. As a business owner, remember your “why” as well. When the going gets tough and you’re lonely and you lack motivation, take heart, have fun, and remember why you’re doing it.
Lastly, be grateful. I journal in my gratitude journal every morning. I love giving thanks and remembering life well!
About Anna

Hello! My name is Anna Holowinsky, and I’m an event planner and entrepreneur based in the Northern Virginia / DC area. I started Penderview Events in December 2021 and love my life as a business owner. I’m a trailblazer, go-getter, incredibly joyful, and love being active! I’m also a huge fan of (and sell) Arbonne products.
I grew up in Northern Virginia and went to the University of Virginia for college and graduate school. Previously, I taught first grade for most of my twenties. I’m a thankful person, and thankful to be on the blog for Season Journals, too! :) | @penderviewevents
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